I remember several years ago when my older sister admitted to me that she always broke the crown off the stem when buying broccoli at the store. She exclaimed to me, "Why do they sell that part?" I had to inform her there was more than meets the eye in there.
If she would be a little more resourceful and peel away the outer toughness of the stem, she could get down to the useable inner part. Sometimes this can ring true in our womanhood. We can end up coming across as useless and toughened on the outside, but a good peeling away will reveal all the goodness about us. You are more than meets the eye! Our Father knows it because He made you that way. Today let your inner layer out. Use your full potential! Be salt and light in a world gone mad and growing darkened. "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16 Strip away your barriers today, the rest of the week and for the whole of your life! Be well. Live in Him and for Him. Gotta run, Rebecca Dussault
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August 2016
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